Ares Demertzis / Sculptor

Esculturas en Museos, Parques Escultoricos y Colecciones Institucionales:

Vendedora de Mas-Caras
Merchantress of Masks

2.50x1.50x1.20 meters
Stainless Steel

Museo Nacional de la Mascara
San Luis Potosi, Mexico

The "Catrina" is the female representation
of death in Mexico. She is carrying masks
of the Artist and Graciela Salas Vega.

Photo: Stephane Querbes.


Self-portrait mask of the Artist.
From the sculpture "Merchantress of Masks."

Photo: Stephane Querbes.

Conquista del Joyel
del Viento

Conquest of the Wind Jewel

11.20x3.08x1.22 meters
Painted Carbon Steel

Municipio de Ecatepec
Estado de Mexico, Mexico

Quetzalcoatl, major diety of pre-Columbian Mexico had as his symbol the sea shell. The Mayans said of the conquest that the Spaniards had torn their god in half, as occurs in this stylized sea shell sculpture.

The Artist poses next to his sculpture.


3.20x1.65x1.65 meters
Stainless Steel & Painted Carbon Steel

Museo de Arte
Queretaro, Mexico

The Artists self-portrait lies
mutilated at the Virgin's feet.

Joseph's Dream

3.00x1.50x1.22 meters
Stainless Steel & Painted Carbon Steel

Gani Art Garden
Scripps Ranch
San Diego, California

Genesis: Joseph, being his fathers favorite, was given a coat of many colors. He dreamt the sun and the moon and eleven stars paid homage to him.

This sculpture was created for a sculpture park dedicated exclusively to Biblical themes.


3.00x3.00x1.22 meters
Stainless Steel

Prefeitura Municipal
Sao Caetano do Sul, Brazil

A severed and disarticulated triangle penetrated.

Sueños de Troya
Dreams of Troy

3.80x2.45x1.90 meters
Stainless Steel & Painted Carbon Steel

Technological University of Monterrey
(Tecnologico de Monterrey)
Campus Estado de Mexico.
The majestic stainless steel horse,
symbol of decepcion in the Trojan war,
urges the rusted and disfigured
warriors forward.

The Games People Play

3.00x1.50x1.22 meters
Concrete & Painted Carbon Steel

L'Estriade, Place de la Gare
Quebec, Canada

Money, sex and ego. Not necessarily in that order.


3.00x3.05x1.60 meters
Painted Carbon Steel

Parque Metropolitano La Sabana
San Jose, Costa Rica

Created for a sculpture park
where youngsters and ducks frolick.


Viewed from the lake

Sidero Maja
Steel Snake

3.05x1.20x0.60 meters.

Painted Carbon Steel.

Consejo de las Artes, La Habana, Cuba.

The Greek word for steel is "sidero." The word of the indigenous Cubans for snake was "maja."

Amantes En Eden
Lovers In Eden

2.02x0.71x0.81 meters.

Stainless Steel & Painted Carbon Steel.

Oficina del Historiador, La Habana, Cuba.

One slab of stainless steel creates a male and female figure facing in opposite directions. From two intertwined wedding rings, which resemble a red apple, a serpent emerges to wrap around the figures, whispering into the left ear of the female figure.

Female Front View

Mascaras, Mentiras y
la Eterna Verdad

Masks, Lies and the Eternal Truth

1.73x0.70x0.95 meters
Stainless Steel & Painted Carbon Steel

Museo de Arte Moderno
Centro Cultural Mexiquense
Toluca, Mexico.

A male and female "figure" rises from the grave slabs traditional in Latin-American cemeteries.

The figures are masked, and the
masks they used during their lifetime litter the base.

The ultimate
mask ("eternal truth") can be perceived behind the features of the male figure.


Rojo Atardecer en el
Malecon de la Habana

Red Sunset on the
Havana Boardwalk

1.30x1.42x0.20 meters.
Painted Carboon Steel.

The waves thunder against the
"malecon" (boardwalk)
as a red sun
sinks over the horizon.
Galeria "Los Oficios" Havana, Cuba.

O Theos Tu Polemu
The God Of War

2.15x1.00x0.50 meters.

Stainless Steel & Painted Carbon Steel.

Coatl Emplumado
Feathered Serpent

1.76x0.75x0.50 meters.

Painted Carbon Steel.

En Acero La Virgen
The Virgin In Steel

3.25x2.00x1.35 meters.

Stainless Steel and Painted Carbon Steel.

Museo de Arte, El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico

Created by invitation to the "VII Bienal Guadalupana" and exhibited in the Museo del Carmen in Mexico City.